Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Monetize Your Blog

Monetize Blog is an activity that can not be separated for matre bloggers like me, but how do you think about monetize blog? worthy, less suitable or even a good ga? if my opinion is a reasonable monetize blogs, because bloggers whose name he would need a rough cost to pay for internet connection, if ga is income from a ga bloggingnya activity comparable or will occur no balance or imbalance between energy and the cost of out with the results he got.

Like in the real world business, monetize blog desperately need an effort to get results. for example in the real world need leaflets or proposals to offer our products to companies so that our products will be sold with it, in the case monetize blog whose name also requires the promotion event, starting from the directory submit, social bookmarking, search engines etc. .

When talking important monetize my blog think that's important, though it was the teacher, officer or what Grandpa when he's got a blog and want to get additional revenue from your blog monetize blog so important, even if only with a pair of PPC ads or banner add, so would they if ordered optimization to get a decent result is a bit ga no time. so that's how blogs monetize the most efficient for them.

monetize blog whose name it is so different depending on the ability of the owner of the blog to which he could meonetize their blog. results from blogs monetize it depends on each business management blog. conclusions to monetize my blogs by important yes, just to get a little or a lot of results depending on the owner's own blog.

Internet Bussiness 2

knew early on I often secrhing blogging about internet business, and many who post on internet business without capital alia free, so is it true? frequently asked questions alone would: D. hell yes the free Internet business ngenet ga Would not cost free? unless it was OP cafes like this sya:) hehehe ... sempet sometimes still not thinking too giving articles about Internet business without capital is misleading? tu's Internet businesses need significant capital.

Why do I say large capital needs, you must not know, the internet business need internet access, trus take courage, skills, patience and thoroughness. so ga free right? Internet access can now say quite cheap in terms of coverage can still just say let's say 3000 per hour in a cybercafe * * what it took 1 hour to do business online? ga certainly is not it? but its okay!! provided you are not lazy: D

Well .. why in the internet business I say take courage? because of my experience before starting plunge in internet business, I feel scared and unsure. bener ga ya can get money? trus where yes we can get money? question and often confusing muncuk: D until finally I could compile the courage and decided to plunge into the Internet business. follow-up's my first play PTC business, is not the only business with no capital is a PTC (other than capital, as I explained) PTC's capital is only our computers connected to the Internet only.

Courage the second is when I started to learn blogging, I first want to menuls What confused, afraid to write this one, write it feared the protest .. well it takes courage ga gimana tuh: D path can I take in this regard was to foster the courage to write what I have in my imagination, whether it's about business or about other things. trus me say that Internet businesses need the ability, an Internet business without capital is true if we already have the ability. What skills? yes the ability for everything the computer operating dai kempuan, writing skills, reading skills and other abilities.

Without the ability to access the Internet * Computer literate * we certainly could not megikuti Internet business. I think this is the ability of most major capital in terms of Internet business. patience and accuracy only affect your success rather than as a requirement to be able to participate in the Internet business. I often point out that patience and thoroughness should we have in the way to success in internet business. certainly because of this internet business is not instant and easy: D

Hopefully you and we all have it Samua, starting from the ability, and ksabaran accuracy and all who can will support our activities as PEMBISNIS the internet. Internet business without capital is like a cafe for my OP, but Kalao can not manage and develop the business results will only sia2 like me: D because I am so far not been getting results;))
ok,, salam success we hopefully can produce only from play games with an Internet business without capital: D

Internet Bussiness

Are there any internet business that makes money halal without having to spend money capital? According to personal experience, there are types of Internet businesses that can make money without having to spend money capital. Try to input the keyword internet business to its search engine, of course we will find a variety of suggestions, tips, tricks, ebook, and reviews that discuss Internet business.

That needs to be noticed as an entrepreneur internet business is careful! Because in the virtual world so many people who launched the action deception. Read carefully any offer that is, study it carefully and do not easily fooled by false evidence.

In my mind, kalo ada Internet business without capital, why should I look for a paid. Is not FREE it more exciting? Until now, internet business I just tekuni only Pay Per Click (PPC) which is managed by Google Adsense and Adsensecamp. I have not dared to launch action try Internet business another. Not that there is no motivation or desire to profit from Internet business any other way, but because I still have limited facilities, the time is divided to work real, and certainly I have not come out of capital ha ha ha .......

If you have friends who do not know how the Internet business Pay Per Click (PPC) I would slightly give meaning short. To better understand I will explain with an example. Google Adsense is a subsidiary of Google that connects Advertiser to the Publisher. Google Adsense serves as an intermediary ad, or in everyday language is called by the term 'broker'. Advertiser advertisements on Google AdSense and the publisher as the publisher advertisements that diperolah from Google Adsense.

If you want to join in an Internet business like this, you just have a blog or site address, and registering on Google Adsense as a publisher. Do not you register as an Advertiser, because it's not money that you will gain but rather outstanding charges. Once registered as a publisher, then you will get the script (source code) that can be installed on the blog.

Ads will appear after you install the script Google Adsense. When there are visitors blog to see and are interested in the ads that show it is possible ads in a click. Ads from Google Adsense in clicks, it means you will receive commission payments that you can see in the report Google Adsense. So the main task of a publisher is to bring visitors blog.